The coming Wall Street collapse
Mike Krauss
Bucks County Courier Times
The story line coming out of Washington
and the Federal Reserve is that life is getting better all the time for the
American people. It is a false narrative, pure propaganda.
The reality is that the overwhelming
majority of the American people remain trapped in a slow moving social
catastrophe, almost six years of bankster induced austerity – savage budget
cuts and crippled public services, crumbling infrastructure, high unemployment,
home foreclosures, bankruptcies, failing schools, crushing student debt, higher
taxes and more public debt.
It is reported that most Americans could
not lay hands on $400 to cover an emergency, while the gap in income and wealth
between the less than one percent and the rest of the American people grows
ever more obscenely wider. Some recovery.
At the heart of this travesty lies the
slavish devotion of the federal government – the Congress, administration and
the regulatory agencies – to the predatory banks on Wall Street.
We all know this.
What we may not all know is that nothing
has been done to change the business practices of the banks that collapsed the
prosperity of a nation; and on account of this, they have gone on doing what
they had been doing.
It is only a matter of time before those
practices induce another, more devastating collapse – the Great Depression on
But, you say, the Dodd-Frank reforms
cleaned up that mess. Think again. Dodd- Frank was written by an army of Wall
Street lobbyists, as were the rules to implement even its most mild of
Party on, Wall Street.
There have been only two tangible
results of Dodd-Frank. One is to push ever more community banks and credit
unions out of business, allowing Wall Street to gobble up more customer
deposits to back their bets. The other is that affordable credit has dried up,
as the Wall Street banks abandon lending to businesses in our communities to
chase the mega profits in the derivatives casino.
The “too-big-to-fail” U.S.
banks have collectively gotten 37% larger since the 2008 banking crisis. The
six largest banks now control 67 percent of all banking assets.
According to the most
recent quarterly report from
the Office of the Controller of the Currency, five "too-big-to-fail" banks now have more
than 40 trillion dollars each in
exposure to derivatives.
Derivatives, like the interest rate swaps that cost Philadelphia and its
school district about $500 million, are bets -
and bets on bets, and bets on bets on bets, waiting for one large
failure to send Wall Street into a frenzy of calling in the bets, desperate to
salvage their paper profits before the losers go bust.
Who will be the big losers in the next crash? Depositors.
Dodd-Frank prohibits taxpayer funded bailouts like that of 2008. So, in
the coming crash the Wall Street banks will go under? Of course not. Instead, they will be “bailed in” by seizing
depositors funds. The dry run was Cyprus.
But, you say, that’s my money! No, it isn’t. Legally, when you deposit
money in a bank, it belongs to the bank, and what the depositor has is an IOU;
which gets paid if there is any money left in a bank meltdown.
And there won’t be. The reserves of the FDIC will get blown away in days,
if not minutes. And the 2005 bankruptcy “reform,” gives the counter parties to
derivative bets “super priority” status to get paid off before “unsecured
That’s you, and any local government which parks its money on Wall
Street; money needed to meet payroll, for example.
This pending catastrophe is not something members of Congress, the
president, or the real power in the U.S., the Federal Reserve, want to discuss.
But those responsible for public funds must pay attention to what the
“invisible hand” at the Federal Reserve is doing, understand that it controls
the American system of banking and finance and the U.S. economy, and that it
works for the banksters on Wall Street and no one else.
In the next column,
how the American people can survive another banking catastrophe.
A great video on the contents of this article: